If you were looking for one of the best microphones for singers the world has to offer then we are glad to say that your search has come to an end. Utilised by the likes of DJs, recording booths, your favourite pop stars and many more the Shure SM58 microphone stands among the pinnacle of microphone choices!
What helps the Shure SM58 Vocal Microphone stand above the rest?
Well to begin with, the Shure SM58 mic hire has a frequency response with a low end roll off and an upper mid-range boost to enhance the sharpness of any vocals heard in popular music!
This Shure microphone has been designed so that the clear and crisp tone of the microphone can strive to be more durable than any other microphone available on the market. The Shure SM58 Vocal Microphone Hire also provides the perfect cardioid pick up pattern to help minimise excess noise from the crowd to limit the amount that they are heard in the final mix. Keep your audio engineer happy by enquiring with Halogen DJ Company today!
Halogen DJ Company’s Shure SM58 Vocal Microphone Hire can also boast a frequency response with a low end roll off and an upper mid-range boost to help the best part of your voice cut right through your live mix. Last but not least, when you book your Shure SM58 Vocal Microphone Hire with Halogen DJ Company, we will strive to help make your booking process easy. All so that you can focus on providing an incredible live band performance for your upcoming gig!